[OSGeo-Discuss] Webinars on OS geo for local governments, schools and nonprofits?

Bob Basques bob.b at gritechnologies.com
Tue Feb 9 18:59:18 PST 2010


I've been doing some research and resource collection around the idea of 
doing something similar.  I was planning on going it alone with some 
specific targets in mind, but I could throw into an effort if it could 
be made to be reuseable.


On 2/8/2010 8:15 AM, Charlie Schweik wrote:
> OSGeo colleagues,
> I was recently contacted by Ann Deakin, a Geosciences faculty at the 
> State University of New York - Fredonia campus. She is also on the 
> board of directors of the NYS GIS Association and the chair of their 
> education committee. She was asking me about the possibility of 
> offering a webinar to their members (and anyone considering getting 
> into GIS) on open source GIS.
> This sounded like a really good idea to me, as a possible new (?) way 
> of promoting OSGeo technologies.
> I'm wondering if anyone has already done this kind of thing?
> Would any of our "knowledge experts" out there be willing to do such a 
> webinar? (If so, let me know in what area)
> If we can get something like this designed, we could either do it 
> first working with Ann and the NYS GIS Association, or perhaps try and 
> scale the webinar up to a larger and more international crowd.
> Reactions welcome!
> Charlie Schweik
> OSGeo education chair
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