[OSGeo-Discuss] UN FAO and FOSS / OSGEO Projects

Noli Sicad nsicad at gmail.com
Tue Jul 20 15:25:43 PDT 2010


I am googling on the topic in GIS / mobile GIS for farming, forestry,
forest management and forestry carbon applications

I found out that  Refractions did a UN FAO Mobile GIS System for
Agriculture Monitoring.

Mobile GIS System for Agriculture Monitoring – United Nations Food and
Agriculture Organization

There is no screenshot of the software and no proper web link to the
actual project which you can download the software.  It is just
www.fao.org. is this LGPL project?

UN FAO probably sponsored some FOSS projects.

I know that FAO sponsored the VB bindings for GDAL but I never saw the
FAO project that uses this VB bindings - the actual FAO software /

OSCAR is also sponsored by FAO.

Geoff, could we see a screenshot of OSCAR.

I hope we can download OSCAR soon.

Now, do you know any other UN FAO sponsored FOSS / Geo projects?


Regards, Noli

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