[OSGeo-Discuss] Meruvian Camp, Center to Teach Kids

Frans Thamura frans at meruvian.org
Fri Jul 30 03:04:43 PDT 2010

hi all

I did explain my work here in Indonesia to Aaron (stil in Sun), and now...

i want to show the new camp of us


we teach MVC :) struts2/spring/hibernate, compiere, adempiere, liferay,
alfresco, GeoNetwork, GEo Server, all Java

may be this pic will understand what we are doing here in last 6 years

mostly people that attend are poor, for a month they must save money to make
sure just use US$ 30/month to live, pay electricity, internet and rent the

most the consultant and teacher funded by meruvian (me...)

hope this can inspire people in emerging country, how powerfull java is, and
hope we can bring future to them

Frans Thamura

We grow because we share the same believe.

Mobile: +6287885901958
Blog & Profile: http://frans.thamura.info

We provide services to migrate your apps to Java (web), in amazing fast and
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