[OSGeo-Discuss] Help authoring tools

Stefan Steiniger sstein at geo.uzh.ch
Tue Jun 1 13:34:33 EDT 2010


I would like to know some tools too that are used by others. As OpenJUMP 
is also lacking a help system (still...).

Things that heard of are:
- docbook
- elml.ch (though not thought for documentation directly but it exports 
to several formats: pdf/html as it is xml based)
- the Sextante built-in help, which is html based too (not sure how much 
it is tied to java and how easy it is too maintain, but it is a good start).

So Daniel A. if you found something useful, pls. let me/us know. Though 
- you may have different options with .Net


Dan Putler wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> PAGC has its documentation written in text files with markdown markup, 
> which is then converted into various formats (html and PDF via LaTeX in 
> particular) using pandoc: http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/
> I know gdal uses restructured text in a similar way.
> Dan
> On 06/01/2010 10:00 AM, Daniel Ames wrote:
>> Do any of you have a preferred open source help authoring tool? We're 
>> looking for something to document our projects on web pages - 
>> something better than wiki - and also to download and install with 
>> software. Must be cross platform, etc. I'd like to use whatever others 
>> are using in the OSGeo community for consistency... - Dan
>> -- 
>> Daniel P. Ames, Ph.D. PE
>> Associate Professor, Geosciences
>> Idaho State University - Idaho Falls
>> amesdani at isu.edu <mailto:amesdani at isu.edu>
>> geology.isu.edu <http://geology.isu.edu>
>> www.mapwindow.org <http://www.mapwindow.org>
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