[OSGeo-Discuss] StackOverflow like GIS website

Alexis Guéganno a9emen at gmail.com
Wed Jun 2 05:15:47 EDT 2010

On 1 June 2010 23:45, George Silva <georger.silva at gmail.com> wrote:
> The guys at StackOverflow are promoting some new Q&A websites in the molds
> of StackOverflow, ServerFault, etc.
> http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/1425/geographic-information-systems?referrer=u45zxtCru4U%3d
> There is a propose for a GIS website like it, which I created - containing
> aspects of all areas of GIS (database, programming, cartography, map design,
> geography, etc).
> Check it out. The proposition needs to be accepted by a large number of
> users to move on, so if you guys feel that should exist, follow the
> proposal.
> Thanks
> --
> George R. C. Silva
> Desenvolvimento em GIS
> http://blog.geoprocessamento.net

Hi !

I just want to add something : if you have some time after
subscription, feel free to vote for the question if you think they are
on-topic or off-topic. We need users AND clearly identified on-topic
and off-topic questions.

I think the idea is great. Thanks for it, George :-) Sites promoted by
stack exchange are nice, and are a good place to share infos. I've
been saved sometimes by stack overflow and server fault ^_^



Les objets quantiques sont complètement dingues, mais au moins ils le
sont tous de la même façon.

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