[OSGeo-Discuss] StackOverflow like GIS website

Alexis Guéganno a9emen at gmail.com
Wed Jun 2 09:45:11 EDT 2010

Hi !

Moreover, I think it will be easier, for people who are involved in
developing for GIS, it will be easier to contribute to a dedicated Q&A
site than on stack overflow.For developers who wants to concentrate on
their topic, such a site will be less noisy.

But it's only my feeling, too ;-) And your point of view was really
interesting. Furthermore, I think that, if we assume that this GIS
dedicated site will live, we will have to be aware of our neighbours.
For some questions, Stack Overflow or Server Fault will certainly be
more suitable.

But it's only conjecture for now. We must complete phase one before
anything else. Still miss people and off-topic questions ;-)



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