[OSGeo-Discuss] Comparison of Mobile GIS applications

miblon moblin at dogodigi.net
Thu Jun 3 01:58:45 EDT 2010


I am not trying to convince anyone, just reflecting my personal 
enthousiasm! Good to hear you are a fan of the N900. I have been 
considering buying one too but am simply to curious about what will be 
next. Being on the meego mailinglists my hope is that if nokia announces 
a new device running meego, I will be one of the first to know ;-)

Bob Basques wrote:
> Milo,
> You don't need to convince me on the Open side of things, it's why I 
> chose to try out the Nokia.  I'm actually going to buy 3 more of them, 
> if all goes as planned, mostly for prototyping and such to build 
> support for follow on work.
> bobb
> >>> miblon <moblin at dogodigi.net> wrote:
> Hello Bob!
> I started out using moblin as my "en route" OS of choice. On my asus
> 1005HA eee pc, it turned out to be the fastest, easiest to use (even on
> bumpy rides) and flexible enough. I managed to connect moblin via
> bluetooth to my gps and to my mobile phone. I use my mobile phone as 3G
> modem. Then I started using it for openstreetmap work by getting 
> osm2go up.
> My goal is to get meego up to the same task: an excelent mobile solution
> for communication and (lightweight) geodata collection. Besides that I
> am waiting for the nokia device that will follow up on the N900, rumours
> has it will be called the N9, but those rumours haven't been confirmed
> by nokia.
> Why meego and not android? Because I am always looking at alternative
> products that will prevent single parties to become dominant. This has
> nothing to do with reason, it is purely out of ideology ;-)
> I am now running the 1.0 release and believe it or not, it is a small
> step down from moblin 2.1. Although it boots faster, the interface looks
> like a candystore and not all components have a synced look and feel.
> Chromium for instance is not integrated in the panels as much as the
> moblin browser was, and some apps suddenly have gray window decoration
> while others have black. With moblin I would have people ooh and aah
> when I did a business presentation with it, meego with its "OS for kids"
> look has to stay in the box a little while longer.
> For me meego == choice. I don't intend my eee pc it to be a desktop
> replacer, I cannot imagine myself programming on 1024x600 resolution.
> But it is my companion on the road and since I travel by train a lot,
> the best companion I had so far with almost 8h of battery power. And
> even for business meetings, I don't need to bring a heavy 15" or more
> anymore. The eee will do perfect and run like a charm
> Bob Basques wrote:
> >
> > Milo,
> >
> >
> > You mentioned MEEGO in your post, I just ordered a N900 to do some
> > testing for GIS related stuff on the N900.  What types of
> > functionalities are you focusing your efforts on for MEEGO?
> >
> >
> > bobb
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > >>> miblon <moblin at dogodigi.net> wrote:
> >
> > I have been using navit and osm2go on moblin. There is a debian build
> > for osm2go which is targeted at maemo, I managed to get it up on moblin
> > and will try to get it running on meego.
> >
> > If you are interested in me filling the blanks for these 2 apps on your
> > feature list, let me know.
> >
> > Kind regards,
> >
> > Milo van der Linden
> >
> > Miguel Montesinos wrote:
> > > Hello to all,
> > >
> > > I'm preparing a presentation for the FOSS4G, with title "Comparison of
> > > Mobile GIS applications". I know some, but I think that the best 
> way to
> > > make an objective analysis is to offer the chance for anyone to
> > > collaborate, in order to define common feature lists as well as
> > > perfomance or usability check lists.
> > >
> > > Is anyone developing or using a mobile geospatial application
> > > interested?
> > >
> > > Regards,
> > >
> > > ---------------------------------------------
> > > Miguel Montesinos
> > > CTO
> > > mmontesinos [at] prodevelop [dot] es
> > > www.prodevelop.es
> > >
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