[OSGeo-Discuss] Request for a new project: GIS for Enterprise Linux

Micha Silver micha at arava.co.il
Thu Jun 3 04:06:34 EDT 2010

On 03/06/2010 10:29, Mathieu Baudier wrote:
> Hi Micha,
> thanks for your feedback!
>> Second - Having said that, most users will probably wait till CentOS 6.x ...
> Could you please elaborate on that?
> Do you think of server or of desktops?
To get to core GIS server functionality on CentOS 5.x isn't so hard even 
today, I believe. You may need to compile mapserver, gdal, but most of 
the libraries are available, no?
But for desktop GIS, when you have to advance to Qt4 and a whole string 
of python stuff, it starts to get hairy.
> I guess that desktops will switch pretty fast (even though even myself
> will take sometime before switching completely, waiting for all the
> little usual desktop issues to settle down), but RHEL/CentOS 5 on the
> server has still some live into it.
> Anyhow, I'm planning to start rebuilding the packages on RHEL 6 Beta
> pretty soon.
> And CentOS 6 won't probably be available before a few months.
>> Third - I'm am not a representative of OSGeo, but as far as I know, none of
>> the OSGeo projects are "distro specific", so I don't know if they will
>> accept allocating resources for this program. Wiki and maillist maybe yes,
> Actually wiki and mailing-list is all what we really need to have
> within OSGeo I think.
> We are already allocating disk space and computing power for this
> project and will keep doing so even if this is just for our own use.
> I would just like to have more people using it so that quality
> increases and no time get wasted replicating the same effort in many
> places.
> There is always the option to have this project within the CentOS
> community, but it is really not organized around such specific
> interest groups. That's why I believe that OSGeo would be the best
> place to coordinate.
> This mail was received via Mail-SeCure System.

Micha Silver
Arava Development Co.  +972-52-3665918

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