[OSGeo-Discuss] StackOverflow like GIS website

George Silva georger.silva at gmail.com
Thu Jun 3 09:39:05 EDT 2010

Hello everyone,

>From what I've been, it seems that the code/UI for phase 2 of the website is
getting done. They will need a couple days until we can really move on.

Lets continue delineating the questions on that website and wait for phase 2


On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 4:23 AM, Alexis Guéganno <a9emen at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 2 June 2010 20:17, miblon <moblin at dogodigi.net> wrote:
> > Hello George,
> >
> > I completely agree that there aren't a lot of questions that are GIS
> related
> > on SO, but most come from people not familiar with GIS at all entering
> > either from a developer (google maps api, openlayers) or a dba
> perspective.
> > And these roles are interesting; Often they are the guys that are asked
> by
> > management to "put a map in their app" and often they strand on geometry
> or
> > projection related topics. I believe that is where we fit in. We help
> them
> > out, point them to the fact that there ARE people specialized in GI and
> > maybe one thing will lead to another: The managers grow in understanding
> > that Geo IT is a profession too...
> >
> > Especially now, with the crisis, IT managers are looking at programmers
> > being able to work in the whole spectrum of options. I believe it is our
> > task to show them that using specialists might speed up development. That
> is
> > why I always advice customers to hire me for the map and the geodata, and
> > designers for the website look and feel. I cannot (and will not) design
> > websites, and a designer shouldn't try to master maps, he/she should
> master
> > design!
> >
> > GIS related topics pop up more and more thanks to openlayers and google
> > maps. And it offers opportunities. SO is an environment to spot these
> > opportunities whereas a GIS specific SO would lead to segregation,
> keeping
> > us away from the rest of the world.
> >
> > I would strongly opt to put effort in gettting GIS related topics "on the
> > map" on SO instead of copying SO for a limited audience. It would surely
> > show our presence to the people out there.
> Hi everybody !
> First I have a question : does anyone know the rules for the second
> step ? Because I think we've succeeded to complete the first one (it's
> not a reason not to continue our efforts ;-) )
> I don't think that the existence of a Q&A site dedicated to GIS will
> lead to the disappearance of GIS related questions on stack overflow.
> By the way, it will be really interesting, in my opinion, to keep an
> eye on what happens on SO (or on server fault, because I think GIS
> related questions can be found there too ;-) ). What i hope, though,
> with the start of a GIS dedicated site, is to gain in audience, and to
> gain a new place where people involved in GIS will be able to share
> their experiences. There are people who don't like mailing lists, and
> Q&A sites are another way to be really efficient, and to get accurate
> answers on really technical questions.
> Btw, Milo, I agree on many facts you set forth. Your point of view is
> really interesting ^_^
> Greetings,
> Agemen.
> --
> Les objets quantiques sont complètement dingues, mais au moins ils le
> sont tous de la même façon.
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George R. C. Silva

Desenvolvimento em GIS
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