[OSGeo-Discuss] Invitation to free Ordnance Survey Developer Evening @ OSGIS 2010

Suchith Anand Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk
Fri Jun 4 07:17:39 EDT 2010

Dear All,


We would like to invite you to OS OpenSpace Developer Evening & Drinks
Reception (kindly sponsored by the Ordnance Survey) on 21st June 2010 at
the Second Open Source GIS UK Conference 2010. This Ordnance Survey
OpenSpace event is free and open to all and will be allocated on first
come basis. If you wish to attend this OpenSpace event please email
Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk 


OS OpenSpace developer evening agenda:


Date :21st June 2010 (Monday) from 17:00

Venue: A42, Sir Clive Granger Building

University of Nottingham


17:00 -18:00 - Registration,Drinks Reception & networking (A42 , Sir
Clive Granger Building)

18:00- 21:00 - OS OpenSpace Workshops (Ebdon Lab,Sir Clive Granger


More details at http://cgs.nottingham.ac.uk/~osgis10/os_home.html  


We look forward to seeing you at the University of Nottingham.


Best wishes,


Suchith Anand


Dr Suchith Anand

Centre for Geospatial Science
The Nottingham Geospatial Building 

University of Nottingham  NG7 2 TU
Tel: (0)115 82 32750

http://www.opensourcegis.org.uk/ <http://www.opensourcegis.org.uk/> 


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