[OSGeo-Discuss] Comment on OSGeo Project Marketing template before we set it in stone

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Fri Jun 4 16:38:32 EDT 2010

Thanks for the feedback Jason:

On 05/06/10 05:50, Jason Birch wrote:
> Couple comments based entirely off the PDF:
> - The typography needs some work.  Mix of serif, sans serif, italics, 
> bold is a bit confused.

Typography is not my strong point.
Does anyone have suggestions as to what should be used?
Even better would be to edit the styles at:

> - Would be nice to see some header/footer graphics or at least colour.
> - I really, really, really, really don't like the inclusion of the 
> commercial support line. Unless it points at the OSGeo service 
> provider registry.

One of the standard questions people as at FOSS4G stands at conferences 
is "Who do I call if my Open Source application breaks?" Hence I think 
it is important to link to commercial support.

Many projects have a jump page listing companies which provide support 
for their project. Would that be suitable?

I agree that using the OSGeo support service is a good idea: 
Any chance we could create sexier URL for the support page, which is 
easier to remember.
Eg: http://support.osgeo.org
And http://support.osgeo.org/postgis (for project specific search)

Note, the OSGeo LiveDVD also contains project which are not listed on 
the OSGeo Support service, so they will need to link elsewhere.

> Jason
> On 4 June 2010 04:34, Cameron Shorter wrote:
>     To support this, I've created the attached pdf template. Please
>     review and provide feedback before we set the template in stone,
>     and ask all projects to create material against this template.
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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Director
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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