[OSGeo-Discuss] Comment on OSGeo Project Marketing template before we set it in stone

Chris Puttick chris.puttick at thehumanjourney.net
Sat Jun 5 02:29:13 EDT 2010

The graphics team assures me I have no understanding of typography either (nor anything else to do with graphics), but that might be more about my insistence that they try tools that are not part of Adobe CS*. Particularly after I suggested the alternatives might be good enough for them to do their jobs!

I'd be licence-aware (because you want to embed the font into the PDF and have it available for others to use as needed) and stick to one typeface - for a nice modern Sans look I'd consider URW Gothic L (distributed under the GPLv2) or more traditional Sans Serif look go with Liberation Sans (Arial-ish) as kindly provided by Redhat. Both are available with all good Linux distributions and available for free download for users of operating systems that do not have these fonts in their repositories (or even <gasp> don't have repositories...).



----- Original Message -----
> Thanks for the feedback Jason:
> On 05/06/10 05:50, Jason Birch wrote:
> Couple comments based entirely off the PDF:
> - The typography needs some work. Mix of serif, sans serif, italics,
> bold is a bit confused.
> Typography is not my strong point.
> Does anyone have suggestions as to what should be used?
> Even better would be to edit the styles at:
> https://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/livedvd/gisvm/trunk/doc/descriptions/postgis_overview.odt
> - Would be nice to see some header/footer graphics or at least colour.
> - I really, really, really, really don't like the inclusion of the
> commercial support line. Unless it points at the OSGeo service
> provider registry.
> One of the standard questions people as at FOSS4G stands at
> conferences is "Who do I call if my Open Source application breaks?"
> Hence I think it is important to link to commercial support.
> Many projects have a jump page listing companies which provide support
> for their project. Would that be suitable?
> I agree that using the OSGeo support service is a good idea:
> http://www.osgeo.org/search_profile Any chance we could create sexier
> URL for the support page, which is easier to remember.
> Eg: http://support.osgeo.org
> And http://support.osgeo.org/postgis (for project specific search)
> Note, the OSGeo LiveDVD also contains project which are not listed on
> the OSGeo Support service, so they will need to link elsewhere.
> Jason
> On 4 June 2010 04:34, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> To support this, I've created the attached pdf template. Please review
> and provide feedback before we set the template in stone, and ask all
> projects to create material against this template.
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