[OSGeo-Discuss] Fwd: is wms-dev list still active?

Adrian Custer acuster at gmail.com
Mon Jun 7 14:52:41 EDT 2010

On Mon, 2010-06-07 at 11:43 -0400, Yewondwossen Assefa wrote:
> Hi,
>  I was trying to send a question to the wms-dev list
> (http://lists.eogeo.org/pipermail/wms-dev/ ), but It seems to be
> inactive. I am wondering if someone knows where would it be
> appropriate to send questions regarding WMS specification.
> Thanks


I can not say for that mailing list, it is the first I hear of it. 

If you have basic "how does this work?" kind of questions there are
probably lots of people on this list who know the standard well and who
could help. 

If you have highly technical questions, like "what is the presumed
duration of validity of the ServiceMetadata document?", then you could
send them to the WMS 2.0 Standard Working Group at the Open Geospatial
Consortium. We have a moderated mailing list
    wms-1.4.swg at lists.opengeospatial.org
to which only Consortium members can subscribe. (Opening up the OGC is a
long slow struggle.) If we have an answer Joan, Satish, or I are liable
to answer; if we don't, you might launch us into a lively debate. 


PS Ignore the 1.4: after the standards group formed it became clear the
next version of the standard had to be 2.0 and we've been too lazy/busy
to dissolve and re-form under the new version number.

> -------- Original Message -------- 
>                           Subject: 
> is wms-dev list still active?
>                              Date: 
> Wed, 02 Jun 2010 17:19:53 -0400
>                              From: 
> Yewondwossen Assefa
> <yassefa at dmsolutions.ca>
>                                To: 
> wms-dev-owner at lists.eogeo.org
> Hi There,
> Is the wms-dev list still active and is the one to be used for wms 
> discussions?
> Looking at http://lists.eogeo.org/pipermail/wms-dev/ , I do not see any 
> posting since Feb 2010.
>  I also sent a posting to the list this morning but I believe it did 
> not make it to the list.
> Thanks,
> -- 
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Assefa Yewondwossen
> Software Analyst
> Email: yassefa at dmsolutions.ca
> http://www.dmsolutions.ca/
> Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14)
> Fax:   (613) 565-0925
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
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