[OSGeo-Discuss] 5 Star OSGeo project maturity rating

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Tue Jun 8 18:32:33 EDT 2010

Michael, I think you have described here a 3 star system, and I've 
described a 4 star (which includes beta software), with my 5th star not 
allocated yet.

On 08/06/10 09:17, Michael P. Gerlek wrote:
> Since this is an OSGeo-based CD, presumably with the OSGeo logo all over it in various places, I'd suggest there are only three kinds of projects:
>   - those which are "Approved by OSGeo"
>   - those which are "Undergoing OSGeo Approval"
Note: a separate issue that OSGeo Incubation is facing is that projects 
don't have a strong incentive to complete incubation. Projects get 
similar marketing value whether they are incubating or incubated. 
Consequently they are spending a long time incubating.

I propose that projects ready to start incubation get the same rating as 
projects in incubation. Noticeable marketing credit is given to projects 
that have completed incubation.

>   - everything else
> With two simple logos you can indicate projects of the first two categories; I don't think much explanation should be required up front, especially if one avoids jargon words like "graduated" and "incubation".
On the LiveDVD we have stable software and self described beta software.
Hence we would like to distinguish between the two.
> -mpg

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Director
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

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