[OSGeo-Discuss] Anyone know of a FOSS GIS solution to creating terrain profiles from contours lines or an elevation raster (DEM)?

Simon Cropper scropper at botanicusaustralia.com.au
Tue Jun 8 22:44:16 EDT 2010


I want to create a terrain profile along a particular transect for a project I 
am working on. I have contours and have created a raster file showing elevation 

I was wondering if someone knew of a program that I could visualise the 
contour data, draw a line over this, and have a 'plan' view of the profile 
created. I want to show the profile of two types of creek systems in a area I 
am working -- one is a broad (200-300m) 'U' shaped creek bed, while the other 
an ephemeral creek that has hardly made a scratch on the terrain (1-10m 

I could print the map with a scale, use a ruler and transfer the data to a 
graph paper -- but we are over this aren't we? I retired my colour pencils, 
scale rulers, spline, curves, compasses, etcetera years ago!

I have searched actively and looked at gvSIG, OpenJUMP, SAGA, Sextante, QGIS 
but nothing is obvious. SAGA looks promising but it requires a 'grid based 

Is this simply an issue of trying to use one tool (GIS) to do everything, and 
really I should be looking at other tools (CAD). If so can someone point me to 
a FOSS solution.

Cheer Simon

	Simon Cropper
	Botanicus Australia Pty Ltd
	PO Box 160 Sunshine 3020
	P: 03 9311 5822. M: 041 830 3437
	W: http://www.botanicusaustralia.com.au

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