[OSGeo-Discuss] Rendez-vous OSGeo Quebec 2010 is less than a week away!

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Wed Jun 9 19:10:50 EDT 2010

Hi Everyone,

It is with great pleasure that I remind you all that the Rendez-vous 
OSGeo-Québec (http://rendez-vous-osgeo-qc.org/2010/) is less than a week 

It is next week, on Tuesday and Wednesday, June 15-16, that I will have 
the opportunity to welcome you in Saguenay, my home town! This means 
that you only have a few days left to register online at 
http://rendez-vous-osgeo-qc.org/2010/inscription/ ... and be part part 
of two exciting and memorable days where free and open source geospatial 
software will be at the center of all discussions, and you will have the 
chance to hear and chat with some of the key players of OSGeo in North 
America, and even some from as far as France!

All the details of our program are available online at 

And I remind you that in addition to the international and local 
conference program, in the OSGeo fashion, social/networking activities 
are planned for each night, including an ice breaker ("5 à 7") on 
Tuesday, and a boat cruise on the Saguenay Fjord on Wednesday in 
collaboration with Vision Geomatique, another GIS event that will take 
place right after at the same location.

Looking forward to meeting you on Tuesday!

(See also 

Daniel Morissette

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