[OSGeo-Discuss] 5 Star OSGeo project maturity rating

Dave McIlhagga dmcilhagga at dmsolutions.ca
Thu Jun 10 16:52:43 EDT 2010

One suggestion - since there is a lot of concern about the idea of "rating" projects, maybe the PSCs of each of the projects should be consulted before going ahead with this? After all -- it's for each of these projects' benefits that this is being considered, and if the various PSC consensus is this is not a good idea .. it should probably carry a lot of weight.


Dave McIlhagga

On 2010-06-10, at 4:44 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:

> On 11/06/10 01:59, Michael P. Gerlek wrote:
>> (Along those lines, I'd also ask precisely what "ready to start" incubation means...)
> "Ready to start incubation" implies that projects that have applied for, or are mature enough to apply, can be ranked at the same level as projects in incubation.
> I propose we use OSGeo's criteria for selecting incubation candidates here:
> http://www.osgeo.org/incubator/process/evaluation.html
> (At some point we should revisit OSGeo's checklists, but lets leave that for another email thread and for the moment we use what we have).
> -- 
> Cameron Shorter
> Criteria
> The code is under an OSI approved license (data & doc projects need to specify their choice for a type of license).
> The project is willing to keep code clear of encumbrances
> The project is "geospatial", or directly in support of geospatial applications.
> Desirable
> The following are desirable traits of projects entering into the community:
> Open source software is already reasonably mature (working quality code).
> Project already has a substantial user community.
> Project already has a substantial and diverse developer community.
> Project members are aware of, and implements support for, relevant standards (ie. OGC, etc).
> Project has linkages with existing foundation projects.
> Project fills a gap related to software that the foundation supports.
> Project is prepared to develop in an open and collaborative fashion.
> Project has contributions and interest from more than just one company/organization.
> Project is willing to migrate some or all of its infrastructure (code repository, web site, wiki, mailing list, etc) to foundation support infrastructure, and to adopt a website style consistent with the foundation.
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