[OSGeo-Discuss] Anyone know of a FOSS GIS solution to creating terrain profiles from contours lines or an elevation raster (DEM)?

Stefan Steiniger sstein at geo.uzh.ch
Sat Jun 12 12:53:32 EDT 2010

yep, just copied the profile tool a month ago or so to work with 
OpenJUMP (but not yet in the nightly build). Though... only for a DEM 
and not contour lines.

thanks to Victor Olaya for the Sextante version (I guess he also did the 
Saga version)!


Simon Cropper schrieb:
> On Wednesday 09 June 2010 12:44:16 Simon Cropper wrote:
>> I have searched actively and looked at gvSIG, OpenJUMP, SAGA, Sextante,
>> QGIS  but nothing is obvious.
> Hi,
> I'll answer my own question. 
> It is amazing how you can search for something using every conceivable 
> technical term to no avail.
> As it was I found what I wanted in gvSIG+Sextante. Sextante has an option 
> under 'Profiles' -- go figure. 

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