[OSGeo-Discuss] StackOverflow like GIS website

George Silva georger.silva at gmail.com
Mon Jun 14 23:39:12 EDT 2010

Hello Everyone!

For those following the creation of the "StackOverflow" GIS website, we have
been approved for the commitment phase.

To commit, you must go to the area51.stackexchange and "commit" to it.

Heres an easy link:

So far, this is the most "commited" and active proposal on stackExchange, so
let's support it, as it would be a great tool for our work.

Sorry for the annoyance

On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 5:24 PM, Alexis Guéganno <a9emen at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi everybody !
> I've some news for people who don't keep a watch to stack exchange.
> Some bad news first. All the votes which had been made have been
> cleared, and the rules have changed. A question can now be classed in
> three categories : On-topic, off-topic, and "not a good example". For
> each of these categories, contributors can only use five votes. I.e.
> you can point only five questions as on-topic, 5 as off-topic, etc...
> and to be marked as on-topic or off-topic, a question does not need
> ony 10 votes, but 30.
> What does it mean ?
> We need the support of anyone is interested in this site. It does not
> only mean that you put your subscription, and that's over. Every vote
> is important, and we need as much coherence as possible. So if you
> have five minutes, take them to vote for this proposal on stack
> exchange. It needs to be more accurate thant with the former rules...
> but it will be an efficient way to draw 10 meaningful on-topic and
> off-topic questions.
> Greetings,
> Agemen.
> --
> OrbisGIS developer.
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George R. C. Silva

Desenvolvimento em GIS
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