[OSGeo-Discuss] land records management with open source GIS

Bob Basques Bob.Basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us
Mon Jun 21 11:30:45 EDT 2010


This is a rather open ended process (or it can be) of managing cadastral records.  There are so many directions that this type of work can go and they play into so many different types of work processes, that in my experience the development of systems have been fragmented in the past.  

While I can't point to any one system that we have in place for this, I can tell you that we have put in a large amount of effort into digitally indexing and storing the data required to implement such a system.   We also have a lot of production processes that would likely be considered a component of such a system.  Our Survey section 


 has quite a lot of available online data already.  And most of their spatial indexing is already available in our online mapping system (GISmo3 is not intended just for cadastral data) 


Our spatial distribution system, GISmo3, is more generic in that all spatially related information is grouped together into the same system for both external and internal use.

We've applied our efforts in making the publication and distribution efforts as easy as possible.  This has made for some interesting difficulties with regard to the amount of data we have available, especially for new users trying to find something quickly, the internal system has upwards of 160 layers currently and the number keeps going up.  The next versions of the system components will require more effort in the cataloging side of the equation as a consequence.

Oh, and it's all Open Source based, except for some Oracle Based data storage, that could just as easily be in PostGIS.


>>> P Kishor <punk.kish at gmail.com> 06/21/10 12:33 AM >>>
does anyone know of an existing product, or a firm that develops such
a product catering to cadastral and land records management, but using
a completely open source stack?

Puneet Kishor
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