[OSGeo-Discuss] Drupal GEO mailing list proposal

strk strk at keybit.net
Mon Jun 21 12:45:33 EDT 2010

Great responses from osgeo community, that's awesome !
Drupal community seemed a bit ligher on it, but the people
that code I got a chance to talk on irc and they agreed
on joining such a mailing list too.

So, next step ?
Would filing a request ticket on trac for SAC appropriate ?


  ()   Free GIS & Flash consultant/developer
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On Sun, Jun 20, 2010 at 02:04:34PM +0100, Tyler Mitchell wrote:
> > On Sun, Jun 20, 2010 at 14:27, strk <strk at keybit.net> wrote:
> > > How many of you would be interested in having
> > > a mailing list setup for coordinating GEO-related
> > > development within Drupal ?
> > 
> > Count me in. A centralized place for Drupal geo developers would
> > probably be good. And it would be good to get some cross-community
> > contamination too. ;)
> +1 from me.  A similar approach has worked well for the FOSS-GPS list we host.  It brought together a lot of various communities.

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