[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: land records management with open source GIS

Brent Fraser bfraser at geoanalytic.com
Tue Jun 22 10:34:25 EDT 2010


   I'd recommend they allocate more (twice as much?, more?) for Open Source 
programming and integration than they did for the "closed-source" system. 
Likely there will problem domain specific holes in the system needing to be 
filled in (e.g. ensuring topological integrity of parcel boundaries, historical 
aspect of land tenure, etc).

   The good thing is they've already got a current system, so the Requirements 
Phase for the new system should be easier.

Best Regards,
Brent Fraser
GeoAnalytic Inc.

P Kishor wrote:
> Hi all,
> Thanks for replying, everyone. Instead of replying to each one of you
> separately, I am replying to myself, primarily to add more info to
> this query.
> On Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 12:24 AM, P Kishor <punk.kish at gmail.com> wrote:
>> does anyone know of an existing product, or a firm that develops such
>> a product catering to cadastral and land records management, but using
>> a completely open source stack?
> A friend of mine is working in a SA country that has a new policy that
> all software at the national level must be non-commercial open source.
> A nice idea, but it plays havoc with their current cadastral and
> registry records management system running on a commercial,
> closed-source (well known) software platform. They now want to expand
> from a few municipality pilot to 10 times as many munis, and to
> eventually cover the entire country in the next decade. Their desire
> is to try replicate the current system using open source software.
> They have an estimate for the programming job, primarily based on the
> amount spent on programming the current system (not including the
> licenses for the base, commercial software). Their hope is to spend a
> similar amount programming an open source solution that can be
> replicated in the 200 or so munis without any additional cost for the
> software licenses.
> They have seen at least one other open source cadastral system
> implemented in a country in Africa, but found that system to be very
> weak, amateurish.

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