[OSGeo-Discuss] OS GIS for Grazing Planning

Frank Aragona frank at agroinnovations.com
Tue Jun 22 14:41:50 EDT 2010

We would probably want to start with desktop.  My thinking is that 
something like Grass or QGIS could plug into a PostGIS database.  What 
we need is something that allows the user to input some basic variables, 
like available forage (in animal days per acre/hectare), paddock sizes, 
herd size, grazing recovery period, etc., and the database will output 
some grazing plan maps plus some charts and figures showing the user 
what will be occurring on the landscape.  To go into more detail, we'd 
have to discuss how we are doing the grazing planning now, which is 
basically all pen and paper.


Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Il 22/06/2010 18:58, Frank Aragona ha scritto:
>> Is anybody aware of the use of open source GIS tools for grazing
>> planning?  I'm very interested in the prospects of taking a pre-existing
>> platform and further developing it.  Or, in the absence of such a
>> platform (which is likely), I'd like to develop and work with partners
>> in the development of this platform.
>> Thoughts?
> desktop, web, or both? What are your requirements?
> all the best.

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