[OSGeo-Discuss] RE: FOSS4G Technology review presentations - Web clients

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Tue Jun 22 17:04:22 EDT 2010

Who else will have project comparison material developed for FOSS4G 
which you would like incorporated into the OSGeoLive DVD to be handed 
out at FOSS4G?

As mentioned earlier, I think that comparison summaries like this one 
you have created is hugely valuable to new users considering migrating 
to Open Source.
The first question I usually get at an OSGeo marketing booth is "What 
should I use to do XXX?"
I'll send you some detailed feedback and suggestions directly.

What I'd like to do is hear from everyone who is planning to create 
comparison material, and then agree on a common format for presenting 
that material.

Below are presentations which may be candidates:

39,"Mobile","Comparativa",271,"A comparison of GIS mobile applications","Miguel Montesinos","PRODEVELOP",

61,"Desktop","3D",254,"Comparison of Open Source Virtual Globes","Mathias Walker","Sourcepole AG",

50,"Standard","Comparativa",138,"Comparison of SOS-Servers: 52°North, UMN and deegree ","Mayer Christian","terrestris GmbH&  Co KG",

5,"Comparativas","Caché",137,"TileCache,GeowebCache and MapProxy - a technical and usability comparison","Till Adams","terrestris GmbH&  Co KG",

31,"Desktop","Comparativa",363,"Gesopatial Desktop Comparison","Cameron Shorter","Lisasoft",

3,"Comparativas","OGC",81,"Web Mapping Performance Shootout","Jeff McKenna","Gateway Geomatics",

11,"Comparativas","BDD",38,"Beyond PostGIS - New developments in Open Source Spatial Databases","Karsten Vennemann","TerraGIS Ltd",

On 22/06/10 02:48, geotux_tuxman at linuxmail.org wrote:
> Hi all.
> I've just finished the english translation of the comparison v.4 [1]. 
> I did some adjustments to the previous translation (I'm not a native 
> speaker) as well as other changes you can read in the "What's new in 
> this version?" section.
> Cameron, if you want, I'm able to send you the source files (html, 
> css, png...).
> Regards,
> Germán
> --------------------------------------
> [1] 
> http://geotux.tuxfamily.org/index.php?option=com_myblog&task=view&id=257&Itemid=59&lang=en
> -- 
> -----------
>   |\__
> (:>__)(
>   |/
> Soluciones Geoinformáticas Libres
> http://geotux.tuxfamily.org/
> -----Original Message-----
> From: geotux_tuxman at linuxmail.org
> To: discuss at lists.osgeo.org
> Sent: Wed, Apr 21, 2010 9:57 am
> Subject: Fwd: [OSGeo-Discuss] RE: FOSS4G Technology review 
> presentations - Web clients
> Hi Cameron.
> Sure! I would like it a lot. I plan to publish the 4th version of the 
> comparison on next month. So far, the decision tree is just an idea, 
> but I think with enough time it could be done.
> Regards.
> Germán
> -- 
> -----------
>   |\__
> (:>__)(
>   |/
> Soluciones Geoinformáticas Libres
> http://geotux.tuxfamily.org/
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com 
> <mailto:cameron.shorter at gmail.com>>
> To: OSGeo Discussions <discuss at lists.osgeo.org 
> <mailto:discuss at lists.osgeo.org>>; Arnulf Christl <arnulf at osgeo.org 
> <mailto:arnulf at osgeo.org>>; German Carrillo 
> <geotux_tuxman at linuxmail.org <mailto:geotux_tuxman at linuxmail.org>>
> Sent: Sat, Apr 17, 2010 3:24 pm
> Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] RE: FOSS4G Technology review 
> presentations - Web clients
> Arnulf,
> I'd be interested to hear whether German's offer of comparing webmap 
> projects would be of value to you in preparing your foss4g 
> presentation about webmapping.
> German,
> I am very excited by the cross project comparison work you have been 
> doing. I have just spent a week at the OSGeo booth at the 
> international conference for surveyors, and one of common questions 
> people ask is "I'm current using XXX to do YYY, does Open Source 
> provide a tool which could do something similar? ... Which would you 
> recommend?"
> I'd love to be able to point to, and hand out your webmapping 
> comparison table.
> So I'd like to have your webmap comparison table and decision tree 
> incorporated into the OSGeo LiveDVD which we were handing out at the 
> conference, and probably also make it available as a flier. If you can 
> create the material, I can help you get the material onto the LiveDVD 
> and into OSGeo Marketing channels.
> geotux_tuxman at linuxmail.org <mailto:geotux_tuxman at linuxmail.org> wrote:
> > (Sorry, I don't know how to follow the thread, I'm just registered)
> >
> > Hi all, I'm Germán Carrillo and it's a pleasure to have been invited 
> > to this discussion, thanks Cameron!
> >
> > As Cameron said, I've been mantaining a web map client comparison 
> for > the last year and a half. I've received support and suggestions 
> for > most of this projects, for some people from the OSGeo-es local 
> chapter > and from Paolo Cavallini (faunalia). The comparison is wide 
> in terms > of number of projects but it lacks a set of functionalities 
> for each one.
> >
> > In a few days I'll start to prepare the 4th version and I want to > 
> include some other projects there. I also was thinking that it could > 
> be possible (in a near future) to add a decision tree to guide the > 
> selection process of a web map client.
> >
> > So, as you expected, I'd like to join this effort and build a > 
> presentation for the FOSS4G 2010.
> >
> > My first impression is that you would build the presentation for 
> OSGeo > projects, but, why not include other projects too? I think 
> it's > important to offer alternatives. Anyway, as Arnulf said, there 
> are > different kinds of web clients, so maybe we can think on a 
> classification.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Germán
> >
> > -- > -----------
> > |\__ > (:>__)(
> > |/ >
> > Soluciones Geoinformáticas Libres > http://geotux.tuxfamily.org/
> > 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
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> > Discuss at lists.osgeo.org <mailto:Discuss at lists.osgeo.org>
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> >
> -- Cameron Shorter
> Geospatial Systems Architect
> Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
> Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254
> Think Globally, Fix Locally
> Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source
> http://www.lisasoft.com
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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Director
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source

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