[OSGeo-Discuss] How to make a map on a CD

Leith Bade leith at leithalweapon.geek.nz
Tue Jun 29 01:09:11 EDT 2010


I am new to GIS.

I would like to make a vector map that can be burned onto a CD then viewed
just by running a program on it which copies the map data and a simple
viewer. The dataset is very large (all of New Zealand) so the viewer needs
to be effcient, and I have all the data in shapefiles.

What would be the best way to do this?

I see that MapWindow lets you build a custom viewer application around its
map viewer, but it would only work on Windows.
Another idea I have is to make some sort of portable web server that runs
GeoServer or MapServer.

Otherwise I could start developing my own custom map viewer that uses
OpenGL/Direct3D/Direct2D or something to make the render fast with smooth
scrolling etc.
This would allow me to develop a data format that is faster for rendering
than shapefiles.

Similar commercial products are
http://www.maptoaster.com/maptoaster-topo-nz/topographical.html or

Leith Bade
leith at leithalweapon.geek.nz
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