[OSGeo-Discuss] foss4g 2010 reg. problem

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Tue Jun 29 17:28:00 EDT 2010

Hi David,

I'll forward your issue to the local committee.  They're asleep now but 
hopefully we'll have a response tomorrow.

Just for the record, the normal way to report FOSS4G2010 issues would be 
through the FOSS4G2010 email list 


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

David Bianco wrote:
> I realize this isn't the right forum, but perhaps someone can point me 
> in the right direction.
> I registered for FOSS4G 2010 online, on June 14.   Somehow my credit 
> card was declined.   So I filled out their PDF form so that they can run 
> the charge manually.  I have sent them 3 emails with 0 (zero) response. 
>    I'm hoping one of you knows one of them and can help to set things 
> right for me.   The email address I have been reaching out to is 
> foss4g2010 at pacifico-meetings.com <mailto:foss4g2010 at pacifico-meetings.com>

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