[OSGeo-Discuss] Comment on OSGeo Project Marketing template before we set it in stone

Jason Birch jason at jasonbirch.com
Fri Jun 4 12:50:40 PDT 2010

Couple comments based entirely off the PDF:

- The typography needs some work.  Mix of serif, sans serif, italics, bold
is a bit confused.

- Would be nice to see some header/footer graphics or at least colour.

- I really, really, really, really don't like the inclusion of the
commercial support line. Unless it points at the OSGeo service provider


On 4 June 2010 04:34, Cameron Shorter wrote:

> To support this, I've created the attached pdf template. Please review and
> provide feedback before we set the template in stone, and ask all projects
> to create material against this template.
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