[OSGeo-Discuss] Demo WMS server

Andrea Aime aaime at opengeo.org
Tue May 11 11:11:53 PDT 2010

Jason Birch ha scritto:
> Works for me.
> Do you have a corporate firewall?  Checkpoint was killing our external 
> WMS requests until we turned off an over-aggressive filter.

Nope, working from home, from Italy, using one of the biggest ISP,
so direct connection to the net. The IP is dynamic too, and that
WMS server always responded the same way to me.

If I ssh into a server located in the US I get a proper response instead.
That's why I guessed there might be some kind of country based
control or something like that. Maybe the set of addresses my ISP
gives me entered a black list... who knows.


Andrea Aime
OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org
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