[OSGeo-Discuss] Demo WMS server

Judit Mays mays at lat-lon.de
Wed May 12 00:11:07 PDT 2010

Hi Jochen,

The deegree demo server [1] hosts a WMS as well. It always runs with the
latest stable version of deegree.

The Base-URL for the deegree WMS [2], an example for the GetCapabilities
[3] and, last but not least, an example for serving OSM slippy maps via
WMS [4] as direct data source are also available.

    -> "Special features of deegree WMS"


Jochen Topf schrieb:
> I am just working on a piece of Open Source software that can access WMS
> servers. I'd like to have some kind of demo server that could be configured
> in the software by default so that people have a working configuration
> directly after install which makes it easier for them to get going. The
> server doesn't have to do much, just deliver a simple world map or so.
> I looked around a bit for suitable demo servers, but didn't find any. It
> should be something with a reasonable chance that it will be around for a
> while.
> I could imagine that other people have the same problem. How about having
> such a WMS server on a OSGeo host somewhere? I don't expect a huge amount
> of load on such a server, its just for demo and not for actual use, really.
> What do you think about this? I don't have access to any OSGeo hosts, but
> would be willing to help with the setup.
> Jochen

l a t / l o n  GmbH
Aennchenstrasse 19                 53177 Bonn, Germany
phone ++49 +228 18496-0            fax ++49 +228 18496-29
http://www.lat-lon.de              http://www.deegree.org
Follow deegree on Twitter: http://twitter.com/deegree_org

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