[OSGeo-Discuss] Dutch National Georegistry nominated as Public Sector ICT project of 2010. Please vote!

Jeroen Ticheler jeroen.ticheler at geocat.net
Tue May 25 00:56:55 PDT 2010

Dear all,
We're very proud to learn that the Dutch National Georegistry (NGR, "HET NATIONAAL GEOREGISTER") has been nominated as one of five public sector ICT projects for 2010 by Computable. 

The NGR is based on GeoNetwork opensource and is developed for Geonovum. The NGR brings together geospatial data from government agencies and companies and also serves as national access point for the INSPIRE program in Europe.

(unfortunately all in Dutch, but you may translate online and see if you still understand the result ;-) )


Voting: http://www2.computable.nl/computableawards/stem/

Please all vote, it would be a great milestone for the open source geospatial software community! 

Jeroen Ticheler
GeoCat bv
Irisstraat 52
7531 CW Enschede
Tel: +31 (0)6 81286572

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