[OSGeo-Discuss] Unsupervised clustering question.

Ringle, Bill biringle at davidson.edu
Thu Nov 18 11:22:43 EST 2010

I am new to GRASS and have run into a problem using the GUI to do an unsupervised classification. I am running v. 6.4.0 that I downloaded and installed a few days ago.

My problem is that after I create a group and subgroup, when I then go into the dialog box to start the cluster, the subgroup never registers. That is, it is in the pull-down menu, but once selected, it is not then passed to the program. This is evident at the bottom of the menu; group name and output signature file appear in the command line, but subgroup=<required> never changes. An error "Parameter subgroup is missing" happens when I run it.

I should say I can do this manually, but I am trying to use this for a class, so anything to make things easier is useful.

Any ideas? Is this a known bug?
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