[OSGeo-Discuss] Montreal Code Sprint 2011

Arnie Shore shoreas at gmail.com
Tue Nov 23 10:38:24 EST 2010

Hello all.  I've been asked to present my current project at a conference
devoted to  "GIS in a Crisis".

While my project, open source computer-aided-dispatch, meets the 'crisis'
element handily, whether or not it's 'GIS' is another question; it's built
on GMaps.

I'm well aware of the large body of GIS work being done as this group uses
that term, and I don't want to offend any GIS'ers in the audience (or here)
by implying that my project is indeed a GIS instance.

Accordingly, in  my presentation's title or elsewhere, I'm thinking of using
something like "... GIS[?] ..." and explaining that usage.

Reactions/suggestions appreciated.
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