[OSGeo-Discuss] GDAL GRASS Driver

Viji V Nair vijivijayakumar at gmail.com
Mon Nov 29 15:03:56 EST 2010

Hi Mathieu

The gdal-grass driver is now available, tested on Fedora 12/13/14/15.
Should work fine for EL5 also. Can you please do the testing on EL5
and let me know the result? I have tested the driver with grass
6.3/6.4 and gdal 1.6/1.7, works perfectly fine...

You can download the RPM/SRPM from:


After the installation:

Please logout and login again or run export
GDAL_DRIVER_PATH=/usr/lib64/gdal-grass/plugins to set the plugin path.
To verify the installation run gdal_translate --formats | grep -i
grass. This should return something similar to GRASS (ro): GRASS
Database Rasters (5.7+)

Thanks & Regards

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