Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Japan chapter receives “Japanese OSS Encouragement Award” by IPA

Jason Fournier jfournier at
Fri Oct 15 11:28:05 EDT 2010

Fantastic news - congrats!


On 2010-10-15, at 11:09 AM, Toru Mori(森亮) wrote:

> Hi OSGeo community,
> Today IPA (IT promotion agency Japan), a government agency, announced that OSGeo Japan Chapter will be awarded “Japanese OSS Encouragement Award” prize on 28th October 2010.
> I , as representative of the chapter, am very pleased and honored to receive the prize!
> The Japan chapter was established in late 2006 and the local community has been growing steadily and dedicating effort to promoting FOSS4G.
> Please join our local conference, FOSS4G 2010 Tokyo/Osaka, held in this November to celebrate it with us over bottles of beer!
> -- Press release by IPA (in Japanese) --
> -- About the award --
> IPA grants “Japanese OSS Contributor Award” to a developer who has established and has been managing the development project which has the influence, to a superior developer who takes an active role in the global projects and to a contributor to spread the OSS. Also IPA grants “Japanese OSS Encouragement Award” to the individual or the group which has a remarkable activity to develop and/or spread OSS.
> -- About IPA --
> Toru Mori
> Yokohama Japan
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