[OSGeo-Discuss] GIS Data Template for Cities, Towns and Communities (e.g Chigago)

Connors, Bernie (SNB) Bernie.Connors at snb.ca
Tue Oct 19 20:49:48 EDT 2010


	Maybe I am too focused on SDI and geo-portals to see your point.  This is just a simple list of download links on an html page.  There is no search capability, no indexing, no metadata, etc.  But on the other hand it is simple and I was able to find the City of Chicago GIS Data page with a quick Google search.

Bernie Connors, P.Eng
Service New Brunswick
(506) 444-2077
45°56'25.21"N, 66°38'53.65"W

-----Original Message-----
From: discuss-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:discuss-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Noli Sicad
Sent: Tuesday, 2010-10-19 21:05
To: OSGeo Discussions
Subject: [OSGeo-Discuss] GIS Data Template for Cities, Towns and Communities (e.g Chigago)


I think this might be a good GIS data template for Cities,Towns and
Communities[1], if you working in councils, government, NGO's, etc.
and planning to share your GIS data to rest of the world.


These data can be easily converted to Spatialite and PostGIS.

Anybody has better GIS data template idea than this?

If you have any GIS data to share probably you can send us the URL and
discuss the advantage of your GIS data - Template as well.


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