[OSGeo-Discuss] Second the nomination for Maria Brovelli

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Tue Oct 26 10:27:22 EDT 2010

Hello everyone,

I would like to second the nomination for Maria Brovelli to be added as 
a Charter member of OSGeo 
(http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/New_Member_Nominations_2010).  I recently 
attended the WebMGS2010 event in Como Italy, where she was the chair of 
the organizing committee for this first event, and it was a great 
showcase for OSGeo projects and OGC standards in use in education.  Her 
work on promoting OSGeo for education is tireless, and I believe that 
she must be added as a Charter member this year.

She is very active and known in Europe for her OSGeo activity, and I 
hope that North American charter members will also acknowledge her activity.

(although I am not required to send this email to -discuss, I chose to 
do so anyway because I want my voice to be public)

PS. I added my point to Maria's nomination on the wiki.


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