[OSGeo-Discuss] GeoDataCamp 2010 in Greece

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Fri Oct 29 14:48:17 EDT 2010

Hello Spiros,
This sounds like a great event.
Would you like to present delegates with the OSGeo-Live DVD [1], which 
contains 42 of the best geospatial applications, pre configured and 
ready for testing.

They cost ~ $4 to $5 per person to print.

There is also a 25 minute presentation, with transcript, covering all 
the applications on the DVD, which you may wish to make use of [2], and 
video [3].

[1] http://live.osgeo.org

On 29/10/10 23:31, Spiros Athanasiou wrote:
> Dear all,
> The first data camp for geodata in Greece is organized as a two day 
> event (19&20/11) in the premises of NTUA, Athens, Greece. The goal of 
> the event is simple: develop apps/services based on open geodata, 
> discuss issues regarding open geodata in Greece, train volunteers in 
> open geodata, and educate on open source GIS projects.
> The participation is open to anyone, and we are open to all possible 
> contributions and ideas. There is no official schedule either! Since 
> the event is held in parallel with a workshop regarding the Greek 
> National Spatial Data Infrastructure, members of GeoDataCamp will have 
> the opportunity to present their work and ideas to representatives 
> from the public and private sector.
> GeoDataCamp 2010 is organized by geodata.gov.gr, the Hellenic Mapping 
> and Cadastral Organization (www.okxe.gr), and is supported by the 
> Prime Minister's Office for eGov (www.opengov.gr), the Ministry for 
> Environment, Energy and Climate Change (www.ypeka.gr), and the Greek 
> Free / Open Source Software Society (www.ellak.gr).
> For more info (in Greek), please check http://tinyurl.com/32fqh42.
> For non-Greek speakers, or for anyone that would like to attend, but 
> cannot be in Athens at the time of the event, please send us your 
> ideas or presentations at info at geodata.gov.gr.
> On behalf of geodata.gov.gr,
> Spiros Athanasiou
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Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Director
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
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