[OSGeo-Discuss] Looking for Yum or RPM Site for GIS Suite for Centos 5.5

Bill Thoen bthoen at gisnet.com
Tue Sep 14 20:56:31 EDT 2010

  Thanks! I've still got to finish getting the machine built and the 
RAID system set up and get PostgreSQL sorted out. Then I should be in 
position to start loading up on GIS tools. I'll probably be asking 
plenty of questions then.

- Bill Thoen
On 9/14/2010 5:41 AM, Mathieu Baudier wrote:
>> Thanks for all the help and advice on this, everybody! Especially for the
>> info on EPEL and ELGIS. I guess I had no idea that getting stable and
> You can browse the spec files here:
> https://projects.argeo.org/elgis/svn/factory/trunk/rpmbuild/
> in order to see whether the switches you need are all there.
> At first glance I think they are, but if you need some more, I can try
> to add them.
>> software. And it sounds like QGIS is a non-starter on CentOS. But I've got
> I'm still trying to get QGIS fully working on CentOS 5, but as Micha
> put it, this may not be worth the effort given that RHEL/CentOS 6 is
> around the corner.
> For the time being you have QGIS 1.4 working, integrated with GRASS,
> BUT without the Python plugins (a big limitation).
> We also have SRPMS for QGIS 1.0.2 (their LTS version) but there was
> little interest in it, so we dropped it.
>> I appreciate the help as always.
> Don't hesitate to join the EL GIS mailing-list:
> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/el
> This project is very user driven: we support what people actually use,
> so this is the right place to send your wish list.
> And feedback is very useful for us!
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*Bill Thoen*
GISnet - www.gisnet.com
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