[OSGeo-Discuss] New OpenStreetMap Editor Version 2.0

Gabriel Cossette gabriel.cossette at gmail.com
Wed Apr 6 08:41:01 PDT 2011

Hi everyone,

I saw this news that might be of interest of this community:

OpenStreetMap editing now faster, smarter and smoother


It's related to a rewrite of the OpenStreeMap Editor called Potlatch2

The Open Source License is WTFPL (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WTFPL),
haven't seen that one often ;)

Have a great day!

Gabriel Cossette
Coordonnateur du Groupe régional interministériel sur les logiciels libres
(GRILL) au Conseil fédéral du Québec en TI

Technologies de l'information
Parcs Canada - Centre de services du Québec
3, passage du Chien-d'Or
C.P. 6060, succursale Haute-Ville
Québec (Québec)  G1R 4V7
Tél. : 418 649-8163
Téléc. : 418 648-4847
gabriel.cossette at pc.gc.ca
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