[OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS GIS Clients for ArcGIS server

Doug_Newcomb at fws.gov Doug_Newcomb at fws.gov
Thu Apr 7 07:38:52 PDT 2011

For web mapping - openlayers 

Doug Newcomb 
Raleigh, NC
919-856-4520 ext. 14 doug_newcomb at fws.gov
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"Connors, Bernie (SNB)" <Bernie.Connors at snb.ca> 
Sent by: discuss-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
04/07/2011 10:33 AM
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[OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS GIS Clients for ArcGIS server

I am a FOSS GIS advocate trapped in a proprietary GIS world.  My 
organization manages several ArcGIS servers and we provide a Flash based 
map viewer (http://geonb.snb.ca/geonb/).  We are exposing the ArcGIS REST 
services (http://geonb.snb.ca/ArcGIS/rest/services), however we are not 
providing any OGC services.  Are there any FOSS map clients that can 
consume the ESRI ArcGIS REST services?
Bernie Connors, P.Eng
Service New Brunswick
(506) 444-2077
45°56'25.21"N, 66°38'53.65"W
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