[OSGeo-Discuss] Using an OSGeo membership to work at the OGC

Seven (aka Arnulf) seven at arnulf.us
Fri Apr 15 10:14:42 PDT 2011

I'd really like to get this talk moved to standards to relieve this list 
a bit.

The distinction whether one qualifies for an OGC slot is a bit finer in 
that the work done by the OSGeo member must not be related to the work 
of the company to which she signed over her IPR. Imagine someone working 
as a system admin at HAL, a multi billion IT shop, but not related to 
geospatial at all, and not an OGC member, but also hacking away at QGIS. 
In my understanding she would qualify for an OSGeo OGC slots alright.

The process on OSGeo's side currently is that I decide who deserves it. 
Not a good process but in the past years we never had more than two 
people show interest. For that little activity it worked fine...

Now it seems we have growing interest and therefore might need to set up 
a proper process. Ideas are welcome.

Currently all slots are in use but we will have two turns coming up in a 
few months time. I'll announce here when there are changes.

To all interested folks,
please feel free to participate on this list and let us know what your 
interests are in joining OGC. We can always try to find more ways to 
interact with OGC, it does not have to be limited to those 6 slots.

Have fun,

On 04/15/2011 05:10 PM, Raj Singh wrote:
> I don't know what the guidelines are from the OSGeo side, but from
> the OGC side (as Jody mentioned) the primary guideline is that you
> can't be an employee of an organization that could get OGC membership
> the usual way. These OSGeo memberships are intended to accommodate
> the ad hoc nature of open source project teams and individuals, and
> give them a "seat at the table".
> --- Raj
> On Apr 15, at 5:34 AM, Adrian Custer wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> In reviewing Arnulf's recent white paper, I was reminded that OSGeo
>> has various memberships to the OGC. Since I am in need of
>> re-joining the OGC as an individual member, I might be in a
>> position to use such a membership.
>> Do we have any guidelines on how these memberships are to be used?
>> Specifically, if I were to use one of them would I need to
>> 'represent' the OSGeo membership in some way (which I would find
>> hard since I have always been on the margins of OSGeo) or could I
>> continue to represent the 'free software community' as I feel I
>> already do quite a bit at the OGC? Are there any other
>> responsiblities that using one of those memberships would bring,
>> such as reporting back to OSGeo in some way?
>> More practically, how would one go about requesting such a
>> membership?
>> And finally, is anyone actually invested in any of these
>> memberships yet?
>> Thanks for any information or pointers, ~adrian
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