[OSGeo-Discuss] Android vector renderer

Noli Sicad nsicad at gmail.com
Fri Apr 22 02:12:02 PDT 2011

Spatialite (Sqlite3 Spatial) Android - offline vector database

Mapbox Tiles (MBTiles) Sqlite3 - offline Tiles

1. MBTilesOsmdroidExample
 Simple example loading MBTiles format using Osmdroid library

2. MBTilesDroidSpitter
 Android librairy for reading MBtiles map format (sqlite based)

3. MBTilesDroidSpitterExampleSimple
 Example of how to use the MBTilesDroidSpitter librairy



On 4/22/11, Johannes Bolz <johannes-bolz at gmx.net> wrote:
> Hi Mohammed,
> Sounds good. But is the Android version an offline app?
> Kind regards,
> Johannes
> Am 22.04.2011 07:19, schrieb Mohammed Rashad:
>> we have an online shapefile viewer which works on android.
>> lsi.iiit.ac.in/lsi/shpviewer <http://lsi.iiit.ac.in/lsi/shpviewer>
>> the  android version of the shapefile viewer now works only with our
>> demo data. but it can be extended to view any OGR supported vector
>> If need I will mail you the android application with demo data
>> info/discuss

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