[OSGeo-Discuss] GRASS GIS Web UI

Mohammed Rashad mohammedrashadkm at gmail.com
Fri Aug 5 09:16:30 PDT 2011

Hi all,

Here is GRASS GIS Web UI connected with OpenLayers widget

The app is under development and is released for initial testing. For
testing purpose we fix a lat/lont location and concentrate on vector data
Location Info:
   extent -180,-90,180,90
   mapset PERMANENT

you can import any grass vector data using v.in.ogr and display it in OL
using d.vect

For Listed GRASS modules:

1. Type on search box on top for list and select a module and hit enter or
click search
2. you will get a menuForm of the selected GRASS module.
3. Fill all the attributes and click run to execute the grass module.

You can also run any grass command v.* or r.* using this webUI which is

please test it....

Any comments, suggestions, BUGS are always welcomed..

Thanks && Regards
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