[OSGeo-Discuss] 52N WPS 2.0-RC6 available

Ann Hitchcock a.hitchcock at 52north.org
Tue Jan 11 02:33:49 PST 2011

Dear OSGeo List, 

The 52°North Geoprocessing Community released a new Web Processing Service
version. The WPS 2.0-RC6 contains the following new features:

*	an out-of-the-Box GRASS connector (no programming needed). A
tutorial [1] provides instructions on how to connect GRASS with the WPS. A
list of processes [2] are also available. 
*	a new easy-to-use WebAdmin interface for WPS configuration. It is no
longer necessary to manually change the XML files and low level code.
*	a new Windows Installer
*	improved KML Reader and Writers
*	several smaller bug fixes.

The 52N WPS enables standardized web-based geodata processing in distributed
architectures. It features a pluggable architecture for processes and data
encodings. The implementation is based on the current OpenGIS specification:
05-007r7. For a full description of the features, please look here:

Download the binary release: http://52north.org/downloads/geoprocessing/wps
Download the source code:
https://svn.52north.org/svn/geoprocessing/main/WPS/tags/WPS 2.0-RC6/

Windows users can use the installer which comes with an Apache Tomcat to run
the WPS out-of-the-Box:
Test the newest release online here:






For more information, please check the community website
(http://52north.org/maven/project-sites/wps/52n-wps-site/) or contact the
community forum: http://geoprocessing.forum.52north.org/.



Best regards,




Ann Hitchcock

52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH

Martin-Luther-King-Weg 24

48155 Muenster, Germany


tel. +49 (0)251 396371 -0

fax: +49 (0)251 396371 -11


a.hitchcock at 52north.org



General Managers:

Dr. Albert Remke, Dr. Andreas Wytzisk

Local Court Muenster HRB 10849


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