[OSGeo-Discuss] Geenral question about pinging a service for"aliveness" . . .

Bob Basques Bob.Basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us
Mon Jan 24 08:42:13 PST 2011


It's funny you replied with what you did, as I was in the middle of looking at how GeoMoose it self might be able to handle the pinging on it's own.  It's brings to mind all sorts of possible direction to take it.  But the end product would be specific to GeoMoose and it's Service connections exclusively. 

Ach!!, just looked at your link, PHP  (shudder) . . .  



>>> Jeff McKenna <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com> wrote:

> Also, if anyone knows of any PERL (or other CGI) type of product for
> this kind of monitoring I would be interested in taking a look at it.

In fact I have seen some nice demos of Mapbender out-of-the-box used as
a monitoring service (there seems to be notes on this at:


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

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