[OSGeo-Discuss] 52N SOS 3.2.0 available

Ann Hitchcock a.hitchcock at 52north.org
Thu Jul 14 00:20:43 PDT 2011

*** sorry for any cross posting ***

52°North’s SOS 3.2.0 contains a variety of new features, source code
optimization and bug fixes.

New Features include:

*	Support of the HTTP-Get binding for the GetFeatureOfInterest
*	Support of new observation types via SWE Common; this includes the
support of Boolean values, counts and categorical values
*	Support of more complex features of interest (multipolygons encoded
as gml:CompositeSurface)
*	Improved handling of duplicate values in the InsertObservation
operation for generic observations
*	Ability to insert new features of interest with the RegisterSensor

Please see the 52°North SOS 3.2.0 release notes
es.txt) for a more detailed list of bug fixes.

Download (http://52north.org/downloads/sensor-web/sos)

*	52N SOS 3.2.0 binaries
mmary). This zip file does not include the sources. Use this package to
install and set up the SOS quickly without adjusting it to your needs.
*	52N SOS 3.2.0 (http://52north.org/down
loads/sensor-web/sos/52n-sensorweb-sos-320/summary). This zip file includes
the source files.

The next release of the 52°North SOS is planned for early autumn. It is
expected that the next release will include support of the SOS 2.0

More information can be found here:

Forum: http://sensorweb.forum.52north.org/

Mailing List: http://list.52north.org/mailman/listinfo/swe


Best regards,

Ann Hitchcock


Ann Hitchcock

52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbH


a.hitchcock at 52north.org



General Managers:

Dr. Albert Remke, Dr. Andreas Wytzisk

Local Court Muenster HRB 10849


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