[OSGeo-Discuss] Re: [Live-demo] Impacts of OSGeo-Live document license selection on OSGeo

Charlie Schweik cschweik at pubpol.umass.edu
Sun Jun 19 06:51:31 PDT 2011

On 6/18/2011 7:00 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> Are education institutions allowed to license material they create 
> under CC BY-SA?
I don't know if there is a "yes" or "no" answer to this or to what 
degree this has been addressed in academic institutions. We have one 
colleague, Puneet Kishor, who is closely connected to Creative Commons. 
Puneet, do you have any idea about this?

I did take a look at MIT's Open Courseware site and the homepage says 
everything is "CC BY" licensed. But there are some courses that are "CC 
BY-SA" that I found.
Also, Carnegie Mellon's Open Learning Initiative appears to be using CC 
BY-SA. See http://oli.web.cmu.edu/openlearning/index.php.

So I think some educational institutions "are allowed" to -- but I don't 
know how prevalent it is. I think for most campuses this is still a very 
new space.

Charlie Schweik
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