[OSGeo-Discuss] Open Source, Geo and Health Workshop (#gecohealth) - 9th August 2011 in Edinburgh
Nicola Osborne
nicola.osborne at ed.ac.uk
Mon Jun 20 04:41:45 PDT 2011
Hi there,
I am currently working as part of a JISC funded project, the Geospatial
Engagement and Community Outreach programme (GECO), which is trying to
build connections between geo activities throughout the UK. As part of
this work we will be running a series of events concerned with the
relationship between geospatial information and other areas of interest
to the academic sector and broader public.
Our first GECO event will be a workshop entitled "Open Source, Geo and
Health" (#gecohealth) which will take place at Edinburgh Napier
University on 9th August 2011 and is now available for booking!
This event will be looking at the intersections between open source, geo
and health - there are natural connections around fields of, say,
epidemiology but we think there is also much to explore here around new
analysis that is made possible through processing of geo enabled data.
We have several great speakers already confirmed:
Jenny Roe and Catharine Ward Thompson from the OPENspace Research Centre
(based at the Edinburgh College of Art and Heriot-Watt University) will
be talking about green space and mental well being.
Sergiusz Pawlowicz from the Centre for Geospatial Science at the
University of Nottingham witll be speaking about his work on
Participatory Health Surveys. And we hope to have speakers from Imperial
College London talking about Primary care perspectives on open source GIS.
We also have space available in the programme for contributions on open
source approaches to health and geo issues and would particularly
welcome your contributions around any relevant perspective or idea on
the intersection of open source, geospatial information and health.
More information on the event can be found on the GECO blog:
And you can register here:
Please do pass on to relevant contacts or friends with an interest in
these topics and feel free to repost this information to other
sites/blogs/mailing lists you think may be interested.
Many thanks in advance,
Nicola Osborne
Social Media Officer
GECO website: http://geco.blogs.edina.ac.uk
Follow us: @jiscGECO
GECO is based at EDINA: http://www.edina.ac.uk/
t: 0131 651 3873
e: nicola.osborne at ed.ac.uk
a: EDINA/Data Library Services for University of Edinburgh
The University of Edinburgh, Main Library Building,
George Square, Edinburgh, EH8 9LJ
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