[OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo Jobs list

Jeroen Ticheler jeroen.ticheler at geocat.net
Fri Mar 4 06:15:04 PST 2011


Maybe a good opportunity to discuss this :-) Traffic on the OSGeo Discuss list is not very high these days, but it has by far the largest number of subscribers. When posting a job opportunity you want to have a large crowd reading it. 

Maybe we should reconsider if it is indeed a problem for the community to receive job postings on the discuss list or not?

I personally don't have problems with jobs posted on the discuss list. I also think that people will immediately respond when someone abuses the list for inappropriate posts, so there will be a community moderation effect also. (I can't immediately think of inappropriate postings for jobs).


On 3 mrt 2011, at 16:49, Michael P. Gerlek wrote:

> A gentle, periodic reminder: OSGeo has a "jobs" mailing list!
> You can post there if you...:
>  - want a new job
>  - trying to hire someone for a job  - 
>  - are searching for a contractor or consultant
>  - want to find work as a consultant or contractor
>  - have opportunities for graduate students
>  - etc
> As long as it is "job" related and pertains to OSGeo's charter, it's fair
> game.
> This is a moderated, very low-volume list, so subscribing wont' cause undue
> stress on your inbox.
> You can sign up (or view the archives) here:
> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/jobs
> -mpg, and the osgeo-jobs list team
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