[OSGeo-Discuss] Nomination of Nicolas Bozon

Venkatesh Raghavan raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp
Fri Nov 11 09:31:03 EST 2011

On 2011/11/11 1:06, Arnulf Christl (OSGeo) wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 10.11.2011 01:01, Markus Neteler wrote:
>> I would like to nominate Nicolas Bozon:
>> Nicolas Bozon is specialized in design of GUIs for FOSS4G based
>> applications, he has contributed to various FOSS4G projects and used
>> OSGeo tools for scientific research projects. He actively promoted
>> OSGeo during many trainings and workshops in France and participates
>> actively in national and international conferences (OSGeo fr + jp + th,
>> ...), giving talks and teaching workshops. Nicolas has contributed in
>> several ways to OSGeo such as conducting workshops at FOSS4G events,
>> regularly participating in FOSS4G as well as active participation code
>> sprints. His work has led popularizing the WPS standard around the world
>> and paved way for the next generation GIS on the Cloud.
>> Best regards,
>> Markus Neteler
> I absolutely second this momination.
The good fortune of working  with Nicolas Bozon since 2008
has made me realize his passion for using/promoting OSGeo technologies.
I am glad/thankful that he has been nominated by
Markus Neteler and seconded by Arnulf.

I would like to express my strong support Nicolas Bozon
as a new Charter Member.


> Vested regards,
> Arnulf
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